Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A true Tibetan tale

kekexili mountain patrol movie poster

Tibet suffers from being seen from two diametrically opposed points of view. Some people idealise Tibet and its people as representing a peaceful Buddhist culture. Others hold the view that the Chinese colonisation was necessary to civilise to the Tibetan people.

The reality of life in modern Tibet is undoubtedly somewhat different. While there have been a number of notable films related to Tibet in recent years, they still try to represent Tibet as a Shangri-la.

Kekexili: Mountain Patrol is a film set in Tibet based on a true story. It is beautifully shot in the harsh mountain landscape. The scenery makes you realise that despite its rugged beauty, life here is tough. In fact, as the movie develops you can see that people are really fighting to survive in this high altitude desert.

The story of Kekexili revolves around the mountain patrol, a group of Tibetan men who are trying to stop the poaching of the endangered Tibetan antelope. These men are as tough as the mountains they live in. They are trying to do something to protect their environment. As the movie progresses it becomes clear that the distinctions between good and bad are not always clear. Often moral decisions are based on nothing more than what is necessary to survive.

Overall, this film presents a stunning and realistic picture of life in modern Tibet.


Mountain Patrol - National Geographic World Films

IMDB: Kekexili (2004)
Kekexili - Rotten Tomatoes

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